I'm now 8 weeks pregnant (according to the ticker) and I've quite enjoyed it so far. This is what I remembered happening to me:
Before I tested
I'd suspected I was pregnant because I'd missed my period and I'm never late. Plus I checked up on symptoms and I had about three of them: I had a strange, metallic taste in my mouth, my boobs were sore and I was feeling rather tired. I stopped my regular evening vodka lemonades right away even though I hadn't tested.
Big fat positive!
I'll always remember how happy I was to see the plus sign in the test window, the delight on Top Monkey's face when he came in to see the results and how we'd hugged and grinned together, looking at the stick. I was so happy because I'd fully expected to try for at least 6 months before I saw a positive result and to see it at our first official try was just fantastic.
1st scan
That was a magic moment, seeing our baby for the first time. It was still an embryo, still attached to a yolk sac (made me think of a baby chick!) but it was there, in the right place, healthy and I couldn't believe it.
Telling the family
Hehe, I'll always remember the squeals of delight from my MIL. I'll always remember how happy Mum and Dad looked when I came home for a visit, they'd waited so long for a grandchild and now it looks like they'll get one before the year is out.
Our big scare... and our big smiles later
Yikes. I remember how my heart just stopped when I saw the slight brownish tinge to my discharge that night. That long awful wait for morning to come so that I could call the doctor. Another awful wait before we were called in to see him and he did a scan right away. The relief I felt when I saw our baby appear on the scan and the doctor reassuring me that she was doing beautifully. Phew. That moment when we heard her tiny heart beat for the first time, I challenge you not to have a tear in your eye when this happens to you!
I'm only remembering the good stuff because the bad stuff seems so minor - the stupid barfy feeling, my digestive system slowing down (if I don't eat dinner by 7pm, I'm in big trouble), the tiredness, the sore boobs, the fatigue that can hit at any moment - I take this all as signs that our little one is coming along nicely.
The brownish tinge has disappeared. The doctor prescribed some progesterone pills for me as a precaution, I'm supposed to take one twice a day and they seem to work. The morning sickness has more or less subsided, so I'm concentrating on eating. I didn't gain much weight in the last month because most of what I ate just came out later anyway, so maybe this is my chance to feed the Little Monkey better.
I'm feeling very happy and I'm positively radiating love, peace and understanding at the moment. I'm thinking happy thoughts and picturing happy kiddy moments, not really thinking of labour pains and epidurals now, hehe. That will come soon enough. Top Monkey has started wandering into Mothercare outlets and looking at prams and childseats and things, I adore it that he's involved. He told me that from time to time, he'll break out into a big happy grin in the office because he's thinking about the baby.
So there you go. A little summary of the past few weeks for me. It's been great so far, I am so looking forward to our little one's arrival!
Monday, 31 March 2008
My 1st pregnancy - the trip so far
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Saturday, 29 March 2008
My mummy's 7 weeks pregnant!
I knew you were kinda worried about me when you saw the spotting in the morning, so I made you barf in the morning to let you know that I'm still here! I knew you didn't really get my hint but hey, I tried my best.
Anyway, I'm 5 weeks old and I'm about as big as a small grape. Did you see my heart beat on the scan? It was real fast, wasn't it! I heard Daddy say that he could see my heart beat even without the colour scan on the monitor. And I've got little fins now, they'll grow into my arms and legs later on. Right now, I look more like I have fins! *sings* Swimming, swimming, swimming!
I'm doing great, I guess you're still not showing me off yet in a little bump but that will come soon enough. Don't worry, Mummy... I'm okay and growing as fast as I can. Hey, where's my share of the ice-cream that you and Dad bought yesterday!

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Friday, 28 March 2008
Phew!!! All's ok!
Just had my doctor's visit and the scan and baby's all okay!!! I was so happy! Little Monkey's progressing along nicely and we even heard her heartbeat! It went *piddypiddypiddypiddypiddypiddypiddy* at top speed. That was a real Tear in Eye moment, it was.
I'm so glad the baby's okay. The doctor said that the spotting was probably an old bleed from the placenta and nothing to worry about. I'm glad Top Monkey came along to hold my hand and keep me from freaking out majorly. The doctor was so sweet, telling me I had nothing to worry about and the baby was coming along beautifully. Awwww... thank you for setting my heart at ease.
All is well in the world again. Yay!
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Spotting at 7 weeks.. I'm freaked out!
Last night when I went off to pee, I saw some brownish spotting when I wiped. God. My heart nearly stopped right there and then. Luckily, TM had returned home from Jakarta and when I crawled into bed, there was someone there to hold and comfort me.
I was really upset because we'd just spent dinnertime holding hands and talking about how great it would be to have a baby and wondering what Little Monkey would look like.
In the morning, the spotting seemed heavier. I panicked right away, especially since I have some mild tummy cramps as well. I showed it to TM who also confirmed that it was kinda browny.
It is now 11:34am here, I've managed to book myself in at 12:30pm at my doctor and TM's coming along to hold my hand and give me courage. I've checked up on spotting and all the sites and books say that it's incredibly common and not always an indicator of miscarriage but I have to check and see my baby so that I can rest at ease.
C'mon, Little Monkey. Don't you dare pull out of this life before you've even started it! There are so many people waiting for you!
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Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Sorry, Little Monkey!
I felt a bit guilty for stressing out Little Monkey yesterday, so I decided that we should share an ice-cream today! So off I went to get a scoop of Haagen-Daz (spelling?) cookies and cream flavour, topped with choc sauce and lots and lots of choc sprinkles.
Then I sat down in the KLCC concourse area and watched people going by while we enjoyed the ice-cream. It tasted SO good. Hehe. I texted TM to let him our Little Monkey enjoyed it all and would be eating a lot more of it soon. TM suspected it was just an excuse for me to gobble up all the ice-cream in the fridge. As if I would ever do a thing like that! ;)
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Tuesday, 25 March 2008
I love my Mother-in-law!
Right after I posted my last post, the home phone rang. I was surprised because hardly anyone calls that line, most people just call our handphones if they want to reach us. Some people I know don't even have a landline in their house anymore!
I picked up the phone and said, "Hello?" And a beloved voice from across the miles greeted me and I could see her happy smile, "Hello, my beautiful daughter-in-law!" How many MILs greet their DILs that way, eh! I lit up at once, "Hello, Mum!"
TM had called her to say I was being upset and worrying about a miscarriage and she'd called immediately to comfort me and to tell me that I would be fine. She told me she just knew I would have a lovely baby and that I shouldn't worry and put so much stress on me because it would not be good for the baby.
She shared some of her experiences and asked me to be happy, to think happy thoughts and made me promise her that I would be happy and stop brooding. I promised and she then bade me goodbye, telling me again that all will be good.
And you know what? I do feel so much better now, after those calls from TM and from my MIL. Isn't she a lovely woman, I just adore her. She's in her 70s, but you'd never believe it. She's bright, she's got spirit, she's funny as heck, she's compassionate, loving and just so wonderful.
Love you, Mum... thank you for the call, I'm all right now!
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I love you, my Top Monkey
When Top Monkey called today from Jakarta, I told him about J's loss and how upset I was for her and confided my own fears about miscarriage and the awful dreams I'd been having. I'm normally bouncy and upbeat when he calls and I'm rarely upset, so TM knew this was a crisis of sorts.
He was lovely, comforting me the best he could over the phone, telling me that he'd be back soon to cuddle me and protect me from Big Bad Nightmares, telling me confidently that it was HIS boys that did the job and they were surely Top Monkey swimmers, that I was at the perfect age to have his baby (since I was worrying about having my first baby in my 30s) and that I would surely be okay.
So I am feeling better now, still upset but not as emotional as before and I just wanted to say that I love you, my Top Monkey, you always know exactly what to do and what to say and I have no idea what I have done to deserve you.
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My single biggest fear now - Miscarriage
I am so sad now. I've just been to my regular baby forum, Babycentre, and a member just posted that she'd miscarried at 10 weeks. I had tears in my eyes reading her post and I wrote her a note, but I didn't really know what to write to comfort her. What do I say? "I'm sorry for your loss" ? As if those words could help. I can imagine just how she feels because I too have a fear of that happening to me and I know that if that should happen, no words would ever comfort me. This is my single biggest fear at the moment, displacing cockroaches which have reigned at the top of my all-time Fear List since I was old enough to walk.
I am 6 weeks pregnant, it's early days yet and I have to admit the thoughts of a miscarriage are never far away. I often dream of bleeding and wake up frozen with fear. I did a check on miscarriages on the Babycentre site and it is estimated that 15% of women will miscarry and 98% of those who do will lose their baby in the first 13 weeks. This is the reason why I haven't really told many people about this pregnancy. You might think it's silly not to tell when I keep a public blog but you see.. this blog is for me to pen down my thoughts and most of my friends in real life don't know yet about this blog. Except two and I've known them all my life. :))
This is a list of risks that could make you more likely to miscarry:
- if you smoke
- if you have a high caffeine intake
- if you drink a lot of alcohol
- have had miscarriages
- have fibroids or an abnormally shaped uterus
- have lupus
- have diabetes, kidney disease or thyroid disease
- had an infection early in pregnancy e.g. rubella
- are an older mum. (Erm.. that's me since I'm over 30. Sigh)
One sentence didn't seem particularly comforting - "Even healthy young women with no known risk factors can miscarry." WTF??? That's not what I want to hear! What I want to hear is "We know what you should do so that you carry your baby to full term"!!! You could look upon miscarriage as nature's way of ensuring that only the fittest survive but that is scarcely comforting words for a mother to hear especially if it's her first pregnancy and she really, really wants the baby.
So how would you know if you're miscarrying? Well, if you're having period-like cramps and you're bleeding heavily, that's one of the signs. If you notice spotting on your knickers or on the toilet tissue, call your doctor. According to the article, it's a fairly common occurence but call your doctor anyway. Better be paranoid than sorry, I think.
The good news is that most women are able to get pregnant again after a miscarriage and carry their baby to full-term. Erm, that is nice to know that you can try again but even this isn't really comforting enough when you miscarry. All you're thinking of is your baby.
I'm trying to be positive, chill out and not stress myself out over this, do things like visualise a safe pregnancy and a happy, healthy baby to hold at the end of it all but I can't rid myself of the image of bloodstains and tears. Everytime I go to the loo, I squeeze my eyes shut for a little bit and say a little prayer before I peek at the toilet tissue. I have a little heart attack every day over this and I'll probably go on having them until Little Monkey is born.
For J, what can I say... sorry isn't really the word for times like these. You are in our thoughts and in our prayers. (((((((((((((((((( HUGS )))))))))))))))))
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Saturday, 22 March 2008
First trip home post-BFP
I came home on Wed to see Mum and Dad, this is the first time they're seeing me since I've announced my pregnancy to them. And wow, what a reception I got! The moment my car pulled up in front of the gates, Mum and Dad rushed out to help me with my bags with Dad yelling at me, "Don't carry the bags! They're heavy! I'll come and carry them!" This is despite the fact that I'm a fairly fit mid-30 something while Dad is in his mid-60s and my bags were really light as a feather.
Mum made sure she cooked me fish every day (DHA for brainy grandkids, you know...) and indulged me when I needed an afternoon nap. Both ran around our little hometown looking for my preserved ginger when I was running out of it and needed it for my nausea. When I came out to help bring in the laundry from the rain, Dad forbade me to help because the "...laundry poles are VERY heavy, ok!" Erm.. I've carried those poles all my life, they weigh something like 4lbs each.
Ooh. I like being pregnant. I get treated like something soooooo precious. LOL
Today, Mum took me to her favourite temple to ask for blessings for Little Monkey. I'm not particularly religious and I follow Mum around more to please her and to set her heart at ease. Since I can't speak very much Chinese, I've always prayed in English, never very sure if the clan deities of my Chinese ancestors could understand me. But I guess they must because when I was last in the temples during Chinese New Year, I did ask for them (Them?) to bless our family with a Little Monkey and here's our little one on the way. There's a part of me, the non-scientific, non-mathematical part of me, that likes to believe that Someone Up There is watching out for us down here. Or in this case, Everybody Up There.
My TM called a few times everyday from Jakarta to chat and to enquire about how Little Monkey was handling Mum's cooking. TM's tastebuds have yet to adjust to Mum's traditional Chinese cooking but luckily Little Monkey quite enjoys it.
Something's different in this trip though. It's not just me being treated like royalty. It's the thoughts I have when I see the places of my childhood. I feel very happy that I will be able to show my very own child the place I have grown up in, to take her to the temples Mum had to practically drag me to, that one day she might ride a bicycle up and down the same road where I learnt to ride mine and play in the garden I'd played in.
TM remarked once, "All mothers are greenie conservationists because they want their kids to have something." Perhaps it's true. Perhaps because we know that we're carrying the future within us, we're so desperate to make sure it's a future worth handing down. Ever since I learnt I was pregnant, I have this urge to save the whales, save the panda bear, save the forest, save the trees, save a snapshot of my own childhood... you name it, I'll want to save it. I want it not for me, but for the future that I'm carrying right now.
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Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Getting to grips with morning sickness
Hi, pleased to meet you. I'm Barfy, the new mum-to-be.
I was sick as a dog over the weekend, nothing I ate stayed in and I conveniently put the blame on TM (the "It's YOUR child!" line). They call it morning sickness but mine was more like all day sickness. What happens is that when you're pregnant, your digestive systems slow down. A book I read noted that the sicker you are, the healthier your baby seems to be and the theory goes that since you're sick so often, you naturally start avoiding foods that are bad for the baby and stick to healthier stuff. That's what I'm telling myself as well.
I've always found ginger to help with my nausea, so on Sunday I went looking for some. The ginger that always works for me is this local preserved stuff, it comes in really tacky looking packaging that hasn't changed since the 1970s. It's got a picture of this Chinese guy on it that really looks like it should belong on his obituary. Maybe they did get it off his obituary, I don't know. You locals in Malaysia may know what I'm talking about, the product is called Uncle Mo but I call it Don Henley assam. This came about in Uni when I was taking a packaging paper in my degree course and I was wondering why this product used this god-awful picture of the Chinese guy. So my best bud and I agreed that Don Henley's pic would be better and might sell more packs. Don't ask me why we came up with Don Henley.
Anyway.... I finally found it in Bangsar's 7-Eleven, a packet costs about RM1.30 (approx 20+p) and it's worked so far. I just take a pinch or two of the stuff when I'm not feeling good. Hubby's also bought me some ginger beer, just be sure to let all the fizz disappear before you take a sip.
Small meals help as well. Don't eat one LARGE meal and then sit down. That's a guarantee for sickness. I'm eating small meals now and I eat about 5-6 times a day and I've been keeping food down so far.
Mint seems to help as well. The nice things about mints is that not only does it keep the nausea away, it gives you minty fresh breath too!
For some, accupressure works to help keep nausea at bay. Go here for some help on where to find the accupressure point. Some of you Xena fans may recall an episode where her sidekick, Gabrielle, was frantically pressing a spot on her wrist to stop herself from barfing because she was seasick. That's the spot you want!
My mum-in-law advised me to keep dry crackers by the bedside and to eat them first thing in the morning before I get up. She said it helps to absorb the stomach acid. I've tried that and it seems to work as well.
Since I've started taking small pinches of ginger and limiting the size of my meals, Little Monkey has settled down too and not been throwing tantrums, so I guess that works for me. You'll figure out what combination of foods and methods work for you soon enough! The good news is, morning sickness usually goes away by the 2nd trimester, so just hang in there.
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Monday, 17 March 2008
My Big Fat Positive pic

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My first scan!
Went for my first check-up with the doctor today. I picked Gleneagles Specialist Hospital here at Ampang because it's a good hospital and it's really close to home. Anyway, I'll have to change hospitals and gynaes once I move to Jakarta.
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Saturday, 15 March 2008
Morning sickness??? All day sickness, more like!
After yesterday's bout with sickies, I was quite cautious with dinner. We were attending a company do and I was careful to eat small portions. Thankfully, the rice and chicken wing stayed down.
Today was the much-anticipated brunch with the girls at the Gardens, KL. CF had promised to bring her 4-month old baby boy and we were all excited at the thought of seeing him. Three girls in my group gave birth to bouncy baby boys last year and it's just great to see your closest girlfriends become mothers for the first time. Brunch was at Din Tai Fung, which is supposed to be a popular franchise from Taiwan and HK. They specialise in xiao loong bao (small steamed dumplings). We ordered quite a bit of stuff - fried udon, xiao loong bao, steamed tofu with pork floss and pork buns.
I never get to eat stuff like this with Top Monkey because his English tastebuds have remained stubbornly English despite 5 years in Asia and nothing can come between him and his mushy peas and brooon sauce. So I always savour the moments when I get to meet my friends who share my more adventurous tastebuds.
ANYWAY.... Little Monkey didn't like it one bit. Again, Little Monkey obligingly waited till I got home before showing great disapproval. When TM came in to comfort me, I glared at him, "This is YOUR child for sure. As picky as you are with food." He responded with pride, "Of course it's MY child!" I don't think he got the point I was trying to make.
Oh well. I've got to add tofu, udon and steamed dumplings to List of Foods To Avoid now.
Right now, we've got some steaks on the go and a potato-carrot-broccoli-cauliflower-onion-smothered-with-cheese dish baking in the oven for din-din. I'm kinda hoping Little Monkey will like the food or I'm going to be stuck eating boiled rice for the next couple of months.
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Friday, 14 March 2008
First bout of morning sickness?
I had brunch today at a hawker centre at the traffic lights near Ampang Point. I've been there a few times and while the food's nothing great to shout about, it isn't too bad and it's fairly cheap. So I headed there today to have some pan mee and a soya bean drink. It wasn't too bad, cost about RM3.50 (about 60p) and I do like pan mee.
But Little Monkey doesn't and I was sick when I got home. Good thing Little Monkey obligingly waited till I got home before I felt really, really sick. Okay. Crossing off pan mee from my eats list from now on. I know it can't be the soya bean drink because I had that on another day and Little Monkey never objected.
The only positive thing I can think about is that my book says mums who suffer from lots of nausea and vomitting while they're pregnant deliver a much healthier baby. You owe me one, Little Monkey. :)))
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Thursday, 13 March 2008
What I really want for the baby is...
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I can buy baby bags!
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Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Free baby tickers from Lilypie.com
This site is really cute. It provides free counters for baby-related matters such as ovulation cycles, pregnancy calendars, kids' birthdays, countdowns to your pregnancy test day and even countdowns for adoption days!
I picked one for this site so that I can keep track of my Little Monkey's development. So all you TTC and mums-to-be, check out Lilypie for your own baby tickers!
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Pregnancy Calendar: I am 5 weeks pregnant
Firstly, let's see how we do the count. By the time most women do their pregnancy tests, they are about 4-6 weeks pregnant. Most women won't be able to tell when CONCEPTION occured but most will likely remember their last period. Therefore, doctors use the date of your last period to count your weeks of pregnancy.
This will give you a gestational period of 40 weeks, with the assumption that you conceived about 2 weeks past your last menstrual period. Therefore, I am 5 weeks pregnant but the fetus is only 3 weeks old. However, do remember these are all assumptions, so don't freak out if the baby decided to pop out at week 38 or wait a while till week 42.
So what's happening in me? Right now, it's not outwardly obvious that I'm pregnant. The only physical change I can clearly see is... bigger boobies! Woohoo! Cleavage! HAHA! They're also a little sensitive, so Top Monkey has to be careful when hugging me.
I'm also feeling more fatigued than usual, just like the books said I would. I simply couldn't keep my eyes open yesterday and just zonked out at 3pm, only to wake up around 5pm. Normally an afternoon nap means I won't be able to sleep at night, but come bedtime at night, I was soundly asleep within 10 minutes.
At this point in time, Little Monkey looks more like a tadpole. Heh. That's a funny thought. I can't believe I started out the same way too! All the major organs have started to develop and the little embyro's heart has already started beating. If I could, I'd have this device put into me so that I can watch it happening week by week.
I've just been given the go-ahead to start light exercise after my pelvic misalignment, so today was my first day back in the gym. I did walking, light cycling plus very light upper body weights. I didn't even manage to wet my gym shirt with sweat because what little sweat I produced was promptly dried off by the gym air-conditioning.
Next up - the check up!
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Are chiropractic sessions safe during pregnancy?
Well, I've checked out books and articles on the internet about chiropractic sessions during pregnancy and they all agree it's safe for pregnant AS LONG as you find someone who's qualified to work with pregnant women. I asked my chiro clinic and they've got pregnant women who come in to help them with the back pains that inevitably come with a bulging tummy. In fact, my chiro told me that he used to straighten his wife out when she was pregnant with their child! LOL
Most books actually recommend a chiropractor to relieve back and pelvic pains during pregnancy as the process is gentle and safe. I've had tremendous results at the chiro with my own pelvic pains and I would recommend it to anyone who's suffering.
What worries me is the electrotherapy that is part of my session. These serve to stimulate my muscles in my lower back. I did my research on the Internet and most agree that it should NOT be used on pregnant women. I checked a manufacturer's site and they said while they've not had any adverse results with pregnant women, they too agree that electrotherapy should not be carried out on pregnant women.
*gulp* Have I fried my baby? Oh no. I've got to talk with my chiro tomorrow about this!
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Still can't believe I'm pregnant!
I still can't believe the test came out positive. I can't believe it because so many people told me they took a few tries to get it and this was our first proper try. So right now, I'm praying and hoping that the little one sticks around for the next 8-9 months!
I guess we were lucky but I also did try to ensure I was in the best of health before we started. I'd started going to the gym regularly in Sept 07 and by Dec, I was at the gym 4-5 times a week for about an hour or so each time. I was probably at my fittest ever. I fully intend to continue exercising into my pregnancy but I'll have to tone it down due to my pelvic injury.
My whole world has changed. I'm suddenly aware that another life is dependent on me. I've started making changes to my diet, I've started eating more fruits (wasn't too keen on them before), I make sure I get my daily dose of calcium, fresh fruits and veges. I drink lots of fluids and limit my intake of tea and coffee. I've stopped drinking alcohol as well. That's not too hard for me because I was only ever a social drinker and I'm such a light drinker, I can nurse 2 gin and tonics for a whole night out.
I know that at this stage the "baby" is still just an embryo and is about the size of an apple pip (I can't eat apples now thinking about this!) but I've started to visualise a happy and safe pregnancy, a safe labour and a healthy, happy child. I figured it's never too early to start bonding with the baby!
As we haven't picked a name yet for the baby, we've settled on Little Monkey. Hehe. When TM gets up every morning, he'll give me a wake-up kiss and plant a kiss on my tummy for Little Monkey. Isn't that sweet!
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Sunday, 9 March 2008
I got a BIG FAT POSITIVE today!!!
YES!!!! I never thought I'd get a BFP so quickly!!! I'm so excited and we're both so happy. See, I knew something was different with my body this month and like I said, my Aunt Flo's never late. I felt all different too and when I checked out the symptoms of pregnancy posted on the BabyCentre UK website, I had 4 of them. Still, I thought Nah... because we'd just started trying.
Bought the kits ytdy and what do you know? - they had a twin pack on sale at a way cheaper price, so I bought those in case I had to retest. Took the test this morning and I was so nervous! Haha! I couldn't believe it when it came out positive!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm dancing and singing with joy in my heart. COWABUNGA!!!!!!
I wish all my sisters out there who are TTC the same luck, hope to hear of more BFPs coming! Keep trying, don't give up, don't get tense and always believe!
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Thursday, 6 March 2008
Just read: 10 days late and still not pregnant
*sigh* I read this on a TTC (trying to conceive forum) yesterday. Someone had posted that she was 10 days late and had taken a test but it showed up negative. :(((
Now I'm wondering if I'll be like that. I'm only 2 days late, but by gosh, it's felt like it's forever. I know for sure I would be very disappointed if Aunt Flo came by a few days later. I know we've just started trying and most couples take some time to conceive and I've got to be patient but it is REALLY frustrating when it doesn't happen.
*Big hugs* to the poster mentioned above... keep on trying and don't give up.
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Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Cuddle Rater for 05 Mar 2008
Ooh. Deffo a 9/10 today!
We two Cuddle Bunnies have agreed that the following physical laws apply to a Cuddle Zone:
1. Gravitational force is much reduced. This explains why he doesn't feel my weight when I throw half of me across him
2. Time speeds up, so clearly the speed of light is affected by cuddles. We've observed this happening many times. Half an hour goes by during a cuddle but it feels like only ten minutes! I'm still working on the mathematics for this
3. We both have quantum fields around us that somehow affect the curvature of space-time when we cuddle. How this fits in with current quantum field theory, I don't know. I'll have to ring up Roger Penrose to find out.
4. Cuddle Zone physics is much simpler than Missing Sock in Washing Machine physics.
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Am I... pregnant? Pt II
Well, I'm still waiting for Mar 7 to come before I do a test. It's a good thing we're here in Jakarta and I'm being kept busy doing things like house-hunting and checking out the stores here otherwise I'll just keep thinking about the test!
I'd told TM last night that Aunt Flo did not seem to be appearing and that all his hard work may have paid off after all. Hehe. TM did something so cute this morning. We're still in bed and are in our usual snuggly mode. He slid his hand to my tummy and patted it, asking, "Hello? Is anyone home? Is there anybody in there?"
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Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Am I.... pregnant?
I'm not sure, really. According to the counter, I'm supposed to get my Aunt Flo today and I'm usually very regular. I usually get mild cramps as well before Aunt Flo comes a-calling but nothing so far.
The problem is, I can't find any pregnancy test kits here in Jakarta! Never mind.. wait till I get back to KL and I'll go buy some. I wanted to buy some before I came to Jakarta, but I thought it would be tempting fate... hehe.
Oh well, I'll wait till Mar 7 to find out then! Fingers crossed till then.
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Monday, 3 March 2008
Cuddle Rater for 03 Mar 2008
The morning's cuddles were rated 8/10!
I'm sure the office is wondering why TM is now a little later at appearing at his office since his wife joined him in Jakarta... teeheehee....
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