Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Monday 7 April 2008

The colour of love

I've just finished reading this article written by a mum who's given birth to a mixed-race daughter (she's white, baby's father is Indian). I am a Malaysian of Chinese heritage and Top Monkey is white, so I share some of the feelings that she has.

In an ideal world, our Little Monkey will just be plain Little Monkey, not Little Mixed Race Monkey or Little Eurasian Monkey or Little Half white-Half Asian Monkey. I worry for her future - if she were brought up in UK, would she be ostracised because of the part of her that I am responsible for? Or if she were brought up in Malaysia, will she always be classified under "Lain-lain"? (lit. Others.. Malaysian forms generally require you to state your race) Will she always be judged by her mixed-ness first? Should her name reflect her dual heritage or should she just have a "white" sounding name to protect her from society's prejudices? I mean, like it or not, the fact is that even here in Malaysia, we still have this Love the White Sahib culture.

More importantly - what do I tell my child if one day she comes running to me in tears because some idiot has made fun of her colour?


Anonymous said...

Honestly, I don't think Little TM is going to have a problem. In Malaysia, she'll be looked up to because of the Sahib culture and overseas she'll be exotic. So don't worry lah! Maybe in a couple of years with a black US President and all people maybe a little more color blind. Maybe ;)

Mrs Top Monkey said...

PB, I dunno la... I think there's be less prejudice if Little Monkey is a girl, maybe more if a boy. Don't ask me my reasons for thinking that way, I can't sort it out in my head now. Just don't want my little baby to come to any harm. :)